Föllakzoid's music is hailed as -- ." A monomaniacal refinement that might sometimes challenge you to commit to its worldview" The Quietus. Heavily informed by the heritage of the ancient music of the Andes, the band has learned to integrate this influence with contemporary concrete sounds of their times, creating a rich yet minimal atmosphere that reflects both an ancient and futuristic statement. The band is constantly performing around the world, including visits to large, influential festivals such as Primavera Sound, All Tomorrow's Parties, Levitation, Roskilde, Best Kept Secret, Lollapalooza, Guess Who!, Austin Psych Fest and more. The band has three albums in the praised US label Sacred Bones Records, with raving reviews. Their last LP – III – in collaboration Atom TM and Jason Spacemen (for London Sessions) has been described by Drowned in Sound magazine as "so right, so perfect… that it feels like the band have been playing not just with your ears and heart, but with your very soul"