Releasing his music on his own record label is something that James has sustained and championed the entirety of his career. It allows him to control every aspect of his music and legacy and he oversees a back catalogue that has now amassed in excess of 50 million plays across all platforms. If further proof of James’ infectious magnetism across the industry were needed, one need look no further than the long list of artists lining up to collaborate with him - from arena-filling superstars such as Stormzy and Sam Smith to the likes of Herbie Hancock, Lang Lang, Marcus Mumford and Disclosure amongst many others. It’s these collaborations, blended with influences from the likes of Frank Ocean, D’Angelo, Erykah Badu and Robert Glasper, that have led to James developing a unique sound and style of his own whilst emerging as one of UK music’s most interesting voices.
Mulay ist, kurzgefasst, eine in Berlin lebende Alternative/R&B Singer-Songwriterin, Produzentin und Künstlerin. Doch selten war die Zuschreibung als Künstlerin so wahr und spürbar. Mit ihrer Musik, aber auch in Videos, Mode und Performances taucht sie tief unter die Oberfläche und beleuchtet die Ecken und Kanten der Seele. Sie erkundet komplexe Emotionen zwischen Scham und Schuld, stellt sich inneren Konflikten und schmerzhaften Erfahrungen und schöpft daraus transformative Kräfte.